Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 1 in Montreat, by Emily Reth

Ross Hannon, Emily Reth, Jennifer Schwartz, and Abbie Russsell (back)
After an 11 hour drive over bridges, through the corn, and into the mountains, we finally arrived in  Montreat, NC. Although the view was incredible from the smudged windows of the rental van, setting our feet onto the rocky earth made us realize how far away from home we actually were and how "out of our element" we were. Rather than being extremely hot and sunny, the temperatures dropped dramatically and the humidity was incredible.

The first full day in Montreat was not spent shopping or site- seeing, but spreading mulch and weeding in the Black Mountain Home for Childern, Youth, and Families. This facility takes in youth that have, for whatever reason, have found that they cannot live in their home. The organization's goal is to create an environment that surrounds the kids with love, while introducing Christianity where it has either been refused or never heard of. Being able to help the Black Mountain Home was not a task, but an experience. I felt that instead of helping them, they were helping me. I was showed that honest people CAN make a difference in just the way that they live their everyday lives. Abuse, addiction and abandonment have cut deeply into the lives of kids my age and younger and they are slowly mending here. They are showed that God can heal and that He does care and that He was with them throughout the lifetime of pain they have experienced. It was a reality check for me. I have a family where my parents love each other and love me. I have been supported throughout my entire life and I have always had my needs provided for. Even though our volunteering seemed small in the long run, the coordinator assured us that our gifts were wanted and needed. The home thrives on volunteers and the result- a beautiful place for broken hearts to mend and heal with God's loving hand.

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